After I read about animal communication, I got much knowledge about animal’s communication. The first of some knowledge of animal’s communication, some animals use pheromones to send messages. Before I read this topic, I never think the smell can sent the messages. For example, some animals stay their urine or others liquid for their same species, and some messages tell them where they are or who is finding partner. Secondly, some animal use their body language to tell human they are happy or not. Dog is universal live with human. Sometimes, the dog tells you he is very happy when you see the dog run around you side and swing his tail; sometimes, the dog will lie on the ground, and don’t want to do something, that means he is unhappy. Thirdly, animals laugh did not mean they are happy. For instance, when chimpanzee laughs and swaggers to you, that mean he is unhappy.
I remember when I was a sixteen year old, my family had been foster a white cat, Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng is a different of others cat. She has different color eye, one is dark green, and the other is brown. I like her very much. When I am eating lunch or dinner with my family, she always like to walk around my leg and watch me, that I know she wants to eat too. Sometimes, my grandmother will close the door of garden, if Xiaofeng wants to go into the garden, she will use her head to friction my leg and shout to me until I watch her, then she goes to the door nearby and continue to shout me. Follow she actions, I know she wants to go into the garden, and then I will open the door for her. But now, my cat was left after she ate a death mouse. I hope her next life can be a human.
ReplyDeleteThat is so cute!!!
I saw one in Guangzhou's zoo. In my opinion, if we can spend more time to study the language,we may understand them.Just like sometimes the dog does not want to have a walk, but we think it wants and we took it to have a walk. That is a misunderstand.
But if we know how they act their feeling,we can get along better than before.